Systems Microbiology Class

UNT-HHMI is pleased to welcome the students of Systems Microbiology, the first of our classroom-based research laboratory courses. Dr. Michael Allen and teaching assistant Leslie Perry will direct the class in research on Rhodopseudomonas palustrus during the fall semester of 2011.

Erich Seger

Erich Seger at HHMI-National Genomics Research Initiative (NGRI) Symposium in June, 2011.

Jordyn Talley at EXROP

Jordyn Talley was selected to participate in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program (EXROP) for the summer of 2011.

coreen manley at at NGRI symposium

Coreen Manley at HHMI-National Genomics Research Initiative (NGRI) Symposium in June, 2010.

erin harvey at Texas ASM

Erin Harvey with her prize winning poster at Texas ASM Conference in March, 2011.

Amy Schade at university scholars day

Amy Schade and her prize winning poster atUNT University Scholars Day in April, 2011.